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your profile in hackers’ datasets doesn’t include your digital citizenship’s mark. so this stream of chaotically spreading information transforms closed «countries» of social networks into the «global village» (Marshall McLuhan), where everybody can get access to the info about everybody. that’s how decolonization of knowledge performs.

«TRANSPRIVACY» project is a speculative interactive web game based on data from https://haveibeenpwned.com. the website communicate presents social networks as separated, situated worlds on the map. each digital territory is attached to a certain social network, embodied in a form of a watermark pattern. user’s aim is to make all social networks transparent by converting accounts into the breached ones.in acting consider that every social network contains your account as well. the game process will lead you to the knowledge of types of your personal data breaches.

to transform the cell of the map you should make a left mouse click,
to get the info about breached accounts you should hover on the cell,
to discover all digital «states» just horizontally and vertically scroll the page.